Do you know the Loop Tour?

You are invited to participate in
Do you know The Loop Tour!When: Wednesday, July 21st
between 9 and 9:30
Honey Dew in Carver
96 North Main Street in Carver AKA Rte 58…just south of Rte 44
Lunch will be served at the end of the tour
Deadline to have your listing on the
Do you know Loop Tour?
Tuesday, The 19th of July at 11:59 pm

Please email: Listing address, name and phone
you will be given a schedule by Tuesday noonish
and it will give you an idea of when we will be at your listing!!!
Please come along even if you do not have a listing on tour…and invite your offices and colleagues!

Lets promote the great new loop!

Make Today Wonderful!

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